Since Vatican II

It would not be an exaggeration to view the liturgical renewal of the Second Vatican Council as a vindication of Worship. Since the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), the routine management of the journal has been under the successive direction of Aelred Tegels, Michael Marx, Allan Bouley, and Kevin Seasoltz, all monks of Saint John's Abbey. Worship can justly be called the most significant educational tool in the renewal of the North American church. Worship continues to help Christian communities internalize the meaning of the extensive liturgical changes that have taken place in the churches of almost all Christian denominations. The Benedictine tradition provides a hospitable context in which the human search for God in diverse traditions can be both discussed and experienced, for liturgy, more effectively than systematic theology, tends to emphasize the truths that unite Christians. Worship’s international authors, editorial consultants, and readers now include not only Roman Catholics but also Anglicans, Eastern Christians, and Protestants.

Using an interdisciplinary and ecumenical approach to liturgical issues, Worship tries to evaluate critically the effectiveness of liturgical reforms in light of both tradition and contemporary developments in the arts and the social sciences. It has encouraged the development of new rituals that enable worshipers to praise and serve God and to minister to God's people in the midst of rapidly changing cultural patterns throughout the world. It recognizes the need for dialogue between liturgical theology and practice and areas such as trinitarian theology, Christology, ecclesiology, moral theology, and theological anthropology, to name just a few. Thus it publishes articles that are broadly rather than narrowly liturgical. The journal also carries in-depth reviews of books and music by some of the best contemporary scholars.

Liturgical Press was founded by Saint John's Abbey in 1926. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa A.C. and Cistercian Publications distributed by Liturgical Press
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