What People Are Saying about Worship

"For almost a hundred years now, Worship (and its earlier embodiment as Orate Fratres) has been dedicated both to faithful engagement and to scholarly analysis of the churches’ liturgical practices. Although the single-word title suggests a simple subject matter—‘worship’—the issues of the journal stand as testimony to the diversity and complexity covered here. In holding together the engagement with liturgy nourished by faith and a commitment to liturgical studies rooted in scholarly tools of inquiry, Worship has served both the church and the academy exceedingly well."
Teresa Berger
Teresa Berger is professor of liturgical studies at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music and Divinity School. She holds doctorates in liturgical studies and in constructive theology.
"Like the Master of the household who brings out of his treasure that which is old and that which is new, Worship continues to uphold the beauty of the past with a unique newness and freshness. The articles continue to shed light on our liturgical practice in ways that ensure our worship will never become static. This journal allows Catholic liturgical practice and traditions into dialogue with those of other Christian traditions in a helpful way. I am grateful for the contribution it makes to the life of the church."
+ Most Rev. Donald Bolen
Most Rev. Donald Bolen, bishop of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, served as a pastor in several parishes in his home diocese of Regina and spent seven years working at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, in Rome, dealing particularly with relations with the Anglican Communion and World/World Methodist Council. He was appointed bishop of Saskatoon in 2010.
"Worship is a proof of the ecumenical impact of the liturgy and shows how the liturgy can serve the rediscovery of the unity of faith."
Community of Bose, Italy
The Ecumenical Community of Bose, founded by Enzo Bianchi in 1965, is a liturgical center located in the Piedmont region of northern Italy and hosts an annual international liturgical congress in late May.
“I have subscribed continuously to Worship since 1995. It represents the state of the art in liturgical scholarship in the English language, and I could not do without it for my teaching and writing.”
Andrew Cameron-Mowat, SJ
Andrew Cameron-Mowat, SJ, STL, PhD, is lecturer in liturgical and sacramental theology, Heythrop College, University of London.
"Worship continues to be the leading worldwide, ecumenical liturgical journal that combines the highest standards of scholarship with practical pastoral applications for the churches in the twenty-first century. As such, it enriches my ministry as a bishop in the Anglican Communion. Worship is indispensable."
+ R. William Franklin
R. William Franklin, bishop of Western New York, The Episcopal Church, holds a PhD in church history from Harvard University.
Worship, the publication born as Orate Fratres in 1926, continues the rich legacy of the liturgical apostolate of Virgil Michel, OSB, and endures as a vital source of important worship resources for thousands of readers throughout the world. As we mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, we all owe a great debt of gratitude to the publishers of Worship and to the authors of countless articles that have appeared therein and have greatly enriched the liturgical life of the church in the United States.”
+ Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory
Most Rev. Wilton D. Gregory, archbishop of Atlanta, earned his doctorate in sacred liturgy in 1980 from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute (Sant'Anselmo) in Rome.
"What makes Worship a standout journal is its unstinting commitment to both high academic study and profound pastoral practice. These worlds—too often separated—‘meet and kiss,’ as the psalmist says, in the pages of Worship. This, combined with its ecumenical approach, makes it, more than ever, an indispensable resource."
Bob Hurd
Liturgical composer Dr. Bob Hurd is professor in the Graduate Pastoral Ministry Program of Santa Clara University.
"Worship provides a valuable nexus for scholars of the highest caliber to explore liturgical issues pertinent to today’s church and world. Worship’s refereed articles are interesting, useful, and challenging both to academics and to pastoral practitioners. A diverse and experienced editorial board ensures that every issue maintains the high quality of scholarship of liturgical research for which Worship has become internationally renowned. I eagerly anticipate receiving my copy of Worship, knowing that it will contain fresh ideas that bear further scrutiny and delve into the riches of the liturgical sciences as they are explored and enacted in the varied circumstances in which the church makes its home throughout the world."
Clare Johnson
Dr. Clare Johnson is senior lecturer in liturgical studies and sacramental theology, Australian Catholic University, Strathfield NSW, Australia.
"A must-read for anyone seriously interested in liturgy, Worship offers an always fresh, ecumenical perspective."
Paul Meyendorff
Dr. Paul Meyendorff is the Alexander Schmemann Professor of Liturgical Theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, Yonkers, New York.
"Over the years Worship has proven to be a most useful resource in deepening an appreciation of the Christian liturgical tradition in its many and varied expressions. In this era of doubt and confusion as to what constitutes authentic liturgical expression, it is of great importance that pastors, theologians, and teachers of liturgy can share their learning and insights and make them available for the benefit of God’s people. Worship is a renowned vehicle for such learning and insight."
Brian Nichols
Brian Nichols, a priest of the Archdiocese of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, is currently rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Hobart. A graduate of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute (Sant’Anselmo, Rome), he teaches part-time in Melbourne at Catholic Theological College in the areas of liturgical theology and sacraments.
"The pages of Worship are among the first to which I, as both an academic and a pastoral minister, turn and to which I direct others. Amid the many different options that offer commentary on the liturgy, I welcome the careful and balanced study and approachable presentation that I regularly find in its contents. Worship is a consistently reliable source for new ideas and a faithful witness to the intersection of academic study and pastoral ministry."
David Pitt
David A. Pitt is associate professor of liturgical and sacramental theology, Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa.
"As a journal Worship has a long-standing commitment to providing a needed forum for ecumenical collaboration of first-rate scholarship in the areas of liturgy, ecclesiology, and its cognate fields. Published essays and articles in the journal are useful for academics, pastors, denominational officials, and, in fact, anyone and everyone who cares deeply about the history, theology, and ecclesial dynamics of the church's worship in all its varied and wide expressions."
Rev. Dr. Neal D. Presa
Rev. Neal D. Presa, PhD, is pastor of Middlesex Presbyterian Church, Middlesex, New Jersey, and affiliate assistant professor of preaching and worship, New Brunswick Theological Seminary, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
"Founded by Virgil Michel in 1926, Worship has changed many times in subsequent decades to keep pace with the ongoing needs of liturgical renewal. What has not changed is the quality of articles and competence of authors. Thus, Worship continues to keep professors and students up to date on historical and theological issues while also providing those in ministry with the necessary background to make informed pastoral decisions."
Patrick Regan
Abbot Patrick Regan, OSB,, is professor emeritus of liturgy and sacramental theology, Sant'Anselmo, Rome.
"I have read and used Worship for any number of years. Most impressive to me is its commitment to the broad range of articles on liturgical topics from all the different Christian churches. Such scholarship—balanced, fair, and provocative in the right way—is so important for scholars, pastors, and teachers working and praying in all Christian denominations."
Rev. Alexander Rentel
Very Reverend Alexander Rentel is assistant professor of canon law and Byzantine studies and the John and Paraskeva Skvir Lecturer in Practical Theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, New York.
"I have read—and subscribed to—Worship since my days as a theological student and found the contributions invigorating as well as informative. The style of writing—well informed, but not pedantic—and the range of contributors, including the splendidly sane Robert Hovda, were an inspiration. I have encouraged parish priests as well as students to read it regularly and suspect that it has made an enormously significant contribution to both ecumenical relationships and liturgical studies. Worship is the world ‘Common Room’ of stimulating enquiry for liturgists from all over the world."
David Stancliffe
David Stancliffe was bishop of Salisbury and chaired the Church of England's Liturgical Commission between 1993 and 2005. He now is an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Durham and directs early music with students from Durham University, where he is a fellow of St Chad's College. His most recent publication is a three-volume eBook, The Gospels in Art, Music and Literature (SPCK, Year A, 2013).

Liturgical Press was founded by Saint John's Abbey in 1926. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa A.C. and Cistercian Publications distributed by Liturgical Press
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