Submitting an article to Worship


Thank you for considering a submission to Worship. In order to aid in the review and editing process, please adhere to the following guidelines:


The Review Process:

Once the editor receives the review comments, she sends them back to the author indicating the status of the article. If revisions are required, the editor will indicate these, ask the author if they wish to do the necessary revisions, and ask for a timeline by which the revisions will be submitted.


After the final version of the article has been submitted, the line editing process begins. The editor will return the edited version of the article to the author for review, and for the author to respond to any questions the editor may have. Except in the case of articles commissioned for a particular occasion, the editor cannot guarantee a publication date for any article.


Please send your submissions and any questions about the process to:

Liturgical Press was founded by Saint John's Abbey in 1926. Obra Nacional de la Buena Prensa A.C. and Cistercian Publications distributed by Liturgical Press
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